If you want to get your old key layout back in the middle of this testing step, you can use Step 2 : With the keycodes you have, use the xmodmap -e to try out if your key mapping works as you would like. I am unsure of the key behaviour in macOs, so apologies, you will need to try this out yourself. Run xev and press the keys you want mapped to get their key codes, like so : Step 1 : Identify the keycodes for the keys you want mapped using xev. I don't have the full autohotkey script available, but here is one I threw together so people can see what I'm going for: alt-backspace becomes delete-word-left I would like this to apply across ALL apps, including terminals, browsers, system software, etc if possible. is there an equivalent way that I can adjust these settings on a system-wide basis for Ubuntu? Whenever I have to use a Windows machine, I reconfigure it using AutoHotkey to give the macOS-like shortcuts. ⌘+ Left/ Right - move cursor to start/end of line (including the ⌘+ Shift combo to select&move).Alt+ Left/ Right - move cursor one word left/right (including the ⌘+ Shift combo to select&move).Alt+ Backspace - delete word on the left (I realize that this can be achieved by Control+ Backspace, but I'd prefer if everything was the same across OSs).I'm using the same external keyboard for both, and the biggest thing I struggle with is that I'm so used to using the following macOS hotkeys: I use a macOS for work doing technical writing, and I've recently got an Ubuntu desktop at home (20.04).